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2001-04-14 - 3:04 a.m.

I have spent so much time with these diaryrings and such, that I'm not focusing on the real reason that I'm here.


I started this diary/journal for me to deal and release all my fears, concerns, and happiness in. These past couple of days I have skimmed every diary that has joined my "life" ring and it's amazing how there are so many people that are miserable. It really makes me realize that my life isn't so bad in the large scheme of things, even though I write so much about it. It's hard for me to see it sometimes though, I guess.

I think the thing that irks me the most is when I looked at my stats page and saw how many people are actually looking at this diary. I'm not really sure how people are actually "reading" my entries or just skimming it like I do sometimes, but that sort of scares me a little. It means that how I feel and what I'm thinking, people are actually seeing. I guess even though this thing is on the internet, I've really never thought of it as public. I refuse to let that stop me from what I'd originally set out for myself to do and that's to write what I know and what I feel.

In other news...I'm tired. Work has been hectic as always. It seems like Easter makes people want to come to video stores and buy/rent stuff. It seems like ANY holiday brings people out to video stores, lol. Turns out Luevonna's new job isn't working out, so tonight she calls me telling me that she wants to talk to our manager and basically beg for her job back where I am. Blah and Ugh. I really don't want that to happen...AT ALL!!! On the plus side, Jared is definetly coming back to work. He called our store manager either yesterday or today and told him he's coming back June 5th. He plans to stay till mid September. I've really missed working with him. Let me be totally honest though...I've really missed him period. I miss that feeling that he gives me when I look at his face, when he smiles at me and we joke around. I *finally* mailed out the CD I made him as his going away present from X-Mas....I'm a procrastinator, what can I say?? Well, I need to get some sleep, have to go Easter shopping in the morning, go to work at 4pm till close, then get up at 9am the next morning and open the store till 5pm. I really don't like my job or make enough money to do this crap. Is it too much to have companies closed on holidays? Maybe not all of them..but the one's that don't really matter? Life sucks. ;)


P.S. Yes, that is a bi link on my page, I've actually identified myself as that, although I don't like labels at all.



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