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2001-04-12 - 8:47 p.m.

I'm actually here at a decent hour instead of late at night. I guess that's because of the fact that I worked today instead of night time and I'm just not sleepy yet. Later, I'm supposed to go to the movies with Jeremy. I'm scared to think of what he wants to see, since there really isn't anything good to see that we haven't already seen. Now, is the time that we get desprate and pick things randomly. Sometimes that works well...other times? It's disastous, lol.

BTW, I'm a cat person. I love cats, I think it's because I relate better to them. I'm not an active person, which means I'm lazy, like a cat. ;) I like how they purr when you pet them and they seem so content when you love them. They know when something's wrong and they always want attention.

I can't believe all this craze for the diaryrings. I'm happy 'cause I created like the second one, after Andrew's official diaryland one and now I have about 18 members. I want to make my icon for the ring nicer and more unique, but unfortuntely my html skills are far and behind (as I've stated before numerous times, lol). I've joined a few rings as well, and I'm hoping that with one of them, someone can help me redesign this site so that it looks more like...well, me. :) Later all.




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