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Monday- April 23, 2001 - 12:37 p.m.

Sorry for anyone (yet again) who was coming to read an entry earlier and got my entry for my webrings. Still trying to get my journal more situated and better looking. Someone has a new design worked out, but I'm tweaking it right now.

In any case, if I thought my weekend couldn't have gotten better or even more exciting, I was wrong.

Saturday night I came home to change clothes so that I could go drinking over at Jeremy's house. I came online to check my email and my AIM system was on. I recently put a couple of new handles in there for some DJ's that work at my favorite radio station down here- 95.1 WAPE. They announced them over the air so I saved them in case I ever wanted to request a song or something. I saw that one guy, JustJim, was on so I wrote him telling him I thought he did a great job on his show. I figured he wouldn't write me back (having a lot of people writing him at the same time) but after a few minutes he wrote me back! Told me thank you and then asked me how old I was, we chatted back and forth as he asked me where I worked, I told him and he said he knew me. Turns out he comes into the video store some, I sent him my pic and it reconfimed it. He then told me that I was really pretty and asked if I had a boyfriend. (?) I was like no, but I'm looking (i got his pic and damn he's cute...) he said that was the guy's loss or something like that. He then asks me if I want to come down to the station and see him. (???) I was sorta stunned, it seemed like he was flirting with me, but I couldn't really tell. And this was like 1am, so I couldn't figure out why he'd want me to come down there. So, Luevonna comes over and I planned to just take her, but then she gets another person to come with us. So I show up on the door of the station w/ two girls who are really just insane and all excited. I was of course excited, but nervous.

And when I saw him...I think my heart skipped a beat. I don't know what it was, but from the moment I looked at him there was no more Jared. In fact...I didn't think about Jared until last night at some point. Jim is the *cutest* guy I've seen in awhile. Not only that but he was really sweet to me and my friends. I was sorta hoping he'd ask for my number, but he didn't...He did say that I could write him and because of the show or lots of people he may not be able to get back to me right away but for me to know he wouldn't be ignoring me. That sounded good...but now I'm not really sure what to do. I have an email address that he mailed me a pic with. I wrote him and thanked him for letting me come down there, gave him my website addy (which he'd ask for earlier) and ended it. I just wanted it short and to the point, cause I wasn't sure what to write. But now I'm at a standstill...I need some guy advice and I think I need it from a guy. Luevonna tries to be helpful, but I don't really think she knows what to do. Jeremy is in a league of his own, being gay, that I don't think he can help that only leaves Jared left, I just IMed him asking if he could help, but he said he had a project to work on, he'd be back later. I feel weird asking him though, but I don't know any guys that know how *I* am and how that might influence what to do with Jim.

I honestly don't think I stand a chance in hell. But when he said he'd seen me before and thought I was pretty, I was lost, lol. I mean, I figure that if he's seen me and the physical appearance question has been answered, then I might not bomb, because that seems to be the problem with guys I meet. I'm not the *right* look. I'm not supermodel type pretty, and sometimes, I don't feel pretty at all, but I know I'm not a dog by any means. At least I don't think ;)

So, I'm lost, very lost about what to do and wish I could get some help. BTW, got something to write about also, but I'm too tired now to do it, so my next entry will be about it, a girl that found me on here that I used to know really well when we were kids and then stopped seeing each other due to our parents, things are very different now. I'll tell the story later.




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